Painting with light on film can provide an entirely new dimension to
explore. These are some of my more extreme attempts, the inspiration for
which was provided by one of my more extreme friends. Beware if you attempt
this and take your film to one of those "discerning" film processors - they
might not print them! This happened to a friend who took her film to a
highfalutin camera shop which was chock full of "photographic advisors".
When asked why a large portion of the film roll had not been printed they
"patiently" told her; 1) a child had gotten a hold of the camera, 2) the
pictures were mistakes, and 3) there's no way you would want them printed.
In my case I wouldn't argue
point number 1, but items 2 and
3 were just plain wrong. It may not be Uncle Bob bouncing Baby Bliss on his
knee, but it's still a picture to me. Oh, yeah, these are christmas lights
which the child in me photographed.