The Nighthawks at the Attic January 28, 1985

Big Twist and One Night Up at Friendship Station March 6, 1985.

Grateful Dead at Hampton Coliseum March 22, 1985.

Grateful Dead at the Spectrum in Philadelphia April 6, 1985.

Grateful Dead at the Spectrum in Philadelphia April 7, 1985.

The Slickee Boys April 19, 1985.

Grateful Dead at Hershey Park June 28, 1985.

Grateful Dead at Merriweather June 30, 1985.

Grateful Dead at Merriweather July 1, 1985.

Grateful Dead at Richmond November 1, 1985.

Grateful Dead at Richmond November 2, 1985.

Grateful Dead at Meadowlands November 10. 1985.

Dead Kennedys at WUST with Government Issue and Morally Bankrupt November 18, 1985.

Slickee Boys November 22, 1985.

Uptown Rhythm Kings and Bullmoose Jackson at the Bayou December 22, 1985.
